Challenging Assumptions About Exercise

Challenging Assumptions About Exercise

Zen4 Free Woman

For many, exercise is uncomfortable. It may be the very idea of it or factors that surround the actual activity i.e. getting sweaty, physical discomfort or the amount of time needed to complete exercise. Whatever the reason, real barriers are standing in the way of our physical and mental health.

We like to be comfortable. Whether it’s setting the thermostat for just the right temperature or wearing the softest sweater we can find, we’ve become accustomed to our cushy lives. The idea of physical discomfort—even the mildest form—keeps many from getting off the couch. But I challenge this idea with a question. Is exercise really that uncomfortable or are our lives just a little too comfortable? Furthermore, perhaps our assumptions about physical activity are what’s getting in the way of actually doing something about it.

So, let’s begin by creating a new attitude around the idea of “working out” and exercise and just think about movement. Push aside what you know and think about exercise and instead think about what can you do to increase your physical activity.

Increasing movement can improve our physical and mental health as well as emotional well-being. It can improve our sleep, increase our strength, flexibility and endurance as well as boost our immune system. Plus, movement releases endorphins that make us feel good.

Movement is more than just exercise. It’s about getting creative with how we use our bones, ligaments, and muscles. It can vary from small tiny internal motions, to big external movements visible for all to see. Many people say they don’t have time to exercise, but movement is something we all can do. And, no two people are alike so pick movements that work for YOU.

Don’t think in terms of needing to exercise at a certain time of day or a certain number of times per week. The goal is increase and do any type of movement. And…pay attention to how the different movements make us feel. Seriously, this could be as simple as standing up and sitting down, waving your arms around in a circle, or parking far away to give yourself a few extra steps.

In addition to increasing our activity, it’s important to get outside. And more important than actually getting outside is changing our scenery and routine. Variety is the spice of life and varying our activity and location may actually make sure we stay engaged and keep up the good work. If walking around the house is your thing, keep it up but take it to the park or mall. If you like to clean, consider offering to help a friend or volunteer. A lot of places would welcome someone to help them get organized and keep things tidy.

And finally, relax and let loose. While an intense work-out or yoga session can feel great, alternative movement activities can lighten up our minds and bodies driving inspiration and creativity. So, move, get outside and don’t worry so much about what the movement is – just move! Pretty simple. Don’t you think?

Sarah Merkle is an author, health coach, yoga teacher, and motivational speaker on a mission to transform lives. She is the founder of Zen4, a company that helps organizations achieve their full growth potential by providing Connected Employee Solutions.  Visit to learn more.

5 ways to simplify your life

5 ways to simplify your life

Did you know that excess clutter can impact levels of stress, ability to focus and even cause you to gain weight? How about that companies report that they are less likely to promote someone with a messy desk? While it may be hard to believe, it’s true.

The space we reside in can be a reflection of our minds. The more clutter, confusion, and complications that exist on the outside, the more likely it is you’ll find more of the same on the inside. But don’t worry, making a few small changes to simplify your life will have you feeling rejuvenated, inspired, and worry-free in no time. Aside from the obvious benefits of being clean, neat and orderly, the mental and physical incentives to keeping things simple can immensely impact your overall well-being.

Here are five ways to simplify your life now:

  1. Unsubscribe from unnecessary emails. Incentive emails from retailers and other vendors can really jam up an Inbox. If you spend a good chunk of your time deleting incentive and e-newsletter emails, consider unsubscribing. Set aside one hour and tackle the emails once and for all. Once the email deleting subsides, you can find new ways to spend your time. Step away from your Inbox and go for a walk instead!
  2. Do one thing at a time. While the temptation to multi-task can be difficult to resist when to-do lists are long, one of the quickest ways to keep things simple is to focus on doing just one thing at a time. Pick a task, and commit to doing it start to finish with no distractions (that means cell phones, too).  Set a timer to put your mind at ease knowing you won’t hinder progress by concentrating on just one activity.
  3. Before you shop – plan. Our lives become more complicated and cluttered as we increase our collection of material things. Next time you go shopping, prepare for what you want and commit to only looking at items on your list. Resist the urge to browse. If you have a plan, you’re more likely to keep it simple and stay focused. Your wallet and bank account will thank you.
  4. Clean out your wallet/purse. Set aside 10 minutes to clean up by sorting, shredding and tossing old receipts, papers, and gum wrappers. Get rid of old credit or reward cards that you don’t use anymore. Carry a minimal amount of cash and cards, and store the rest at home in a safe place. You’ll be surprised how light and clean your wallet or purse feels. This clean-up exercise also works great on gloveboxes and center consoles.
  5. Clear off your desk, countertops, and tables. Start by picking one. If you tend to use your kitchen countertops to store papers, mail, bills, and other things, focus there first. Carve out 30 minutes to organize, file, or toss all items currently being stored on your counter. Wipe it down clean, and enjoy the newfound clarity derived from de-cluttering your space. For an added bonus, replace it with a bright green indoor plant or a fresh bouquet of flowers.

Just remember, a simplified life means a simplified mind. The less clutter and chaos that goes on in your head, the more opportunity you have to experience life and appreciate every moment.

Sarah Merkle is an author, health coach, yoga teacher, and motivational speaker on a mission to transform lives. She can be reached at

Before your next important meeting, breathe.

Before your next important meeting, breathe.

We’ve all been there. You have an important meeting scheduled in advance, and you think to yourself, ‘no big deal, I’ve got this’. Fast-forward to 30 minutes before the meeting and all of a sudden you are experiencing discomfort. Palms sweating, heart racing, stomach churning, and you’re beginning to second guess yourself. 

At this point, you’ve got two options. One, you can continue to replay the what-if’s in your head, rehearse your meeting agenda, and allow your fight or flight responses to take over. Or, you can breathe. Yes, just breathe. While a little extra preparation and rehearsal couldn’t hurt anything, breathing is more likely to help. 

By pausing a moment to take a few conscious, deep inhales and exhales, you’ll send signals to your brain telling it that all is well.  This adjusts our nervous system responses from fight or flight, back to feeling calm and collected. 

Breathing is also a form mindfulness, which brings us into the present moment to provide relief from any stressful thought patterns. Dedicate a few extra minutes to mindful breathing, and you’ll feel closer to your initial ‘no big deal, I’ve got this’ attitude.

Here are some other convenient (and beneficial!) points throughout your day to remember to breathe:

  • While you’re waiting for your car to warm up/cool down before driving
  • Walking to and from the breakroom or bathroom
  • Before responding to a text or email that may have upset you
  • As you mentally prepare for a phone call
  • While you wait (in line, for technology to load, etc.)

For more unique ideas for the workplace or tips to help inspire your workforce contact Feel free to comment below with any other ideas you may have!

Don’t sit, your life may depend on it.

Don’t sit, your life may depend on it.

In most workplaces today, employees sit. We sit on our drive in to the office, we rush to our desk and sit, we sit while eating our lunch, and we sit during meetings.

But what is all this sitting really doing to us?

Well first of all, meetings that are held sitting down are typically 34% longer than those held standing up. Sitting is taking up our prescious time. Imagine getting almost 3 hours back in your day if we encouraged each other to stand versus sit!

Furthermore, it’s squashing our creativity. A Stanford study showed that many people do their best thinking while walking. In fact, you are two times more likely to come up with a new idea than if you were to be sitting stagnant in a chair!

To really scare us, many doctors are defining sitting as a lethal activity. Epidemiologists are predicting that on average people who sit too much shave a few years off their lives. We can’t ignore the fact that an action so natural as sitting is having such a negative impact on our minds and bodies.

It’s time we put an end to all of this sitting and stand up for ourselves! While corporate politics and culture norms may prevent you from standing in some situations, I encourage you to take control of the time you are choosing to sit instead of stand. Spark your own creativity, get some time back in your day, and most importantly, put your own wellbeing first. Stand up!

Here are a few tips to take with you:

  1. If you plan on scheduling a walking meeting with your employee, peer, or a small team, let them know in advance so they can wear the right attire.
  2. Next time somebody walks into your office, don’t offer a seat. Instead, stand up and chat!
  3. On the contrary, if somebody offers you a seat, simply explain you need the extra movement and you’d like to stand. It’s only for a few minutes anyway, right?
  4. Set a reminder to stand up and walk to spark creativity throughout your day.
  5. Purchase an adjustable desk – it’ll be a worthwhile investment!

For more unique ideas for the workplace or tips to help inspire your workforce, contact Feel free to comment with any other ideas you may have!